Why should we wear masks? How effective masks could be against the coronavirus?
Since the coronavirus became a pandemic, people have been using different masks universally to protect themselves against it. But it is important to know the different kinds of masks and their effectiveness. The mask-wearing rates noticeably have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.
An example of this situation in China. It is estimated that 1.1 percent of the Chinese population were wearing masks before the Covid-19 pandemic and that rate has increased to 99.4 percent after the pandemic.
However, different masks, represent different rates of protection against viruses and many of them are still unknown to people.
In the fight against the Coronavirus and it’s a disease (COVID -19), It is now mandatory to wear a mask in public areas. The question is what type of mask do we need?
Here we try to answer that question.
Health Canada suggests using Fabric or Medical face masks to fight the spread of Coronavirus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people use cloth masks to cover their mouths and noses in public and around people who do not live in the same house.
The use of cloth masks is very important, especially in spaces where the possibility of social distance is low.
The cloth covering the face helps to prevent airborne droplets from spreading through the air while breathing, talking, shouting, sneezing, and coughing from the masked person. In fact, covering the mouth and nose with a mask or any kind of cloth cover is a kind of “Source Control”
Several studies have shown that SARS-Cov2 (the causative agent of Covid19 disease) can be transmitted from both patients who do not have symptoms and those whose symptoms have not yet appeared. It is actually the use of a mask to protect others.
This means that if a person has Corvid-19 and is unaware of it, the virus will not spread to other people.
1- Powered Air-Purifying respirators (PAPRs):
Powered Air-Purifying respirators (PAPRs) use a battery-powered blower to continuously pull air through the “100” (HEPA) filter and into the facepiece.
We use this kind of respirators for High-Risk asbestos removal at XWX Demolition inc.
2. Half Facepiece Respirators
Half-Facepiece, Dual-Cartridge respirators with “100” (HEPA) filters.
We use this kind of respirators for Moderate-Risk asbestos removal at XWX Demolition inc.